

The Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) belongs to the legume family. It is a cultivated plant and does not occur naturally. The wild type originates from the Mediterranean region.

Cicer arietinum grows as an annual and can reach between 30 and 100 centimeters in height, depending on the variety and location. Once its seeds are ripe, the plant dies, as is the case with the related beans, peas and lentils.

Chickpea plants
This is what chickpea plants look like. Their cultivation in the garden is not more elaborate than that of peas or beans.

The beige, yellow, brown, green or black seeds of the chickpea are used for human nutrition. They taste pithy and nutty. Since they contain about 20% protein, they provide long-lasting satiety and are well suited for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Chickpeas are offered dried, roasted, as flour, canned, snack or sprouts.

green and yellow Chickpeas
Green and yellow Chickpeas

However, they can also be used to make pancakes, purees and spreads, soups, stews or fritters.

Chickpea Sprouts
Sprouts from beige, brown and green chickpeas. The seeds germinate quickly, at room temperature the sprouts are edible after 2 days.


The beige to golden yellow, brown, green or black seeds of the Chickpea are between 5 and 15 millimeters in size. Their size depends not only on the variety, but on water, soil and nutrient supply.

yellow Chickpeas
The beige or golden yellow chickpeas are the most common.
brown Chickpeas
Not quite as well known as the yellow ones, are the brown Chickpeas.
green Chickpeas
Green chickpeas can be used in cuisine like the yellow or brown ones.
black Chickpeas
Black Chickpeas lose their color when soaked or cooked and are then only brown.

Chickpea sprouts

Chickpeas are good for growing sprouts. They germinate quickly, and at temperatures above 68 °F (20 °C) the first root tips appear after only 36 hours.

Info: Chickpea sprouts contain lectins, they should not be eaten raw in large quantities. Blanching makes them more digestible.


How to grow Chickpea sprouts

Soak: for 6 to 8 hours
Watering: 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening
Harvest: after 36 to 48 hours
Storage: freeze, in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator they can be kept for 4 to 7 days, but they can continue to grow and then taste bitter
Sprouting equipment: glass sprouter, dome sprouter

Growing instructions

Wash the Chickpeas and soak them for 6 to 8 hours.

I use a glass sprouter to grow them, but dome sprouters or kitchen seed sprouters are also suitable.

Tip: The seeds germinate even if they have been soaked in salt water. Sprouts grown this way taste spicier. However, more than 3 g of salt per liter of water should not be used.

glass sprouter
A glass sprouter with drainage stand in screw lid.

Drain the soaking water and rinse the seeds in the morning and evening.

100 g of chickpeas will make 250 to 300 g of sprouts.


Sprouting should increase the vitamin A and C content. Chickpea sprouts also contain vitamins B1 and B2, as well as iron, phosphorus and manganese.