Euphorbia canariensis

Canary Island Spurge

Euphorbia canariensis (Canary Island Spurge) can reach up to three meters in height and is native to all the Canary Islands.

Euphorbia canariensis


  1. Popular name(s): Canary Island Spurge
  2. Botanical name: Euphorbia canariensis
  3. Family: Euphorbiaceae
  4. Origin: Canary Islands
  5. Height: Up to 3 meters
  6. USDA zone: 12 (50 F/10 °C)

Euphorbia canariensis

Euphorbia canariensis

Euphorbia canariensis

Plant care
  1. Lighting: The Canary Island Spurge grows best in full sun
  2. Soil: Mineral or half mineral mixes based on crushed lava gravel or pumice gravel
  3. Watering: Allow to dry between the waterings, avoid waterlogging, water sparingly in winter
  4. Feeding: Liquid fertilizer monthly from spring to late summer
  5. Wintering: Temperate at about 59 °F (15 °C)

Categories: Succulents | Euphorbiaceae

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