Amaranthus deflexus

Low Amaranth, Argentina Amaranth, Perennial Pigweed Amaranthus deflexus is an annual plant with flat to semi-upright growing shoots that can be up to 50 centimeters long. The flowering period in Central Europe can last from July to October. The leaves can be plain green or dark red spotted. Characteristics & Description Height, habit: 20 to […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Wildflowers |

More species from the Amaranthaceae family

Amaranthus blitoides

Mat Amaranth, Prostrate Amaranth, Prostrate Pigweed, Procumbent Pigweed, Amaranthus blitoides is an annual plant. The stems reach lengths of 20 to 100 centimetres and grow either lying flat on the ground or semi-upright. The inflorescences sit in the leaf axils and the flowering period in Central Europe can last from July to October. Young leaves […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Wildflowers |

More species from the Amaranthaceae family

Herniaria hirsuta

Hairy Rupturewort Herniaria hirsuta can be distinguished from Herniaria glabra by its hairy leaves and shoots. The two species can grow together. I discovered the plants shown here in the same parking lot as Herniaria glabra. Herniaria hirsuta grows as an annual to perennial with shoots that lie flat on the ground and can reach […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Wildflowers |

More species from the Caryophyllaceae family

Herniaria glabra

Smooth Rupturewort, Glabrous Rupturewort, Herniary Breastwort Herniaria glabra can grow as an annual or perennial. Its shoots lying on the ground can reach a length of up to 30 centimetres. The leaves and stems are yellow-green to green in color. The plant, which belongs to the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae), can flower in Europe from June […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Wildflowers |

More species from the Caryophyllaceae family

Angelica archangelica

Garden Angelica, Wild Celery, Norwegian Angelica Angelica archangelica can grow to a height of over two meters and bloom from May to August. The stems can be green or reddish in color. Characteristics & Description Height, habit: Over 2 meters, herbaceous plant Life cycle: Biennial Poisonous: Medicinal plant, herb, contact can trigger allergies in sensitive […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | White flowers | Wildflowers |

More species from the Apiaceae family