Herniaria glabra

Smooth Rupturewort, Glabrous Rupturewort, Herniary Breastwort

Herniaria glabra can grow as an annual or perennial. Its shoots lying on the ground can reach a length of up to 30 centimetres. The leaves and stems are yellow-green to green in color. The plant, which belongs to the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae), can flower in Europe from June to September.

Herniaria glabra

Characteristics & Description

Height, habit: 10 to 30 centimeters, creeping herbaceous plant
Life cycle: Annual, biennual, perennial
Poisonous: Contains herniarin
Origin: Africa, Asia, Europe (distribution map) and as an introduced species also in some parts of Canada and the USA (source).
USDA zone: 5 (-9.4 °F/-23 °C)

Herniaria glabra


Name: Herniaria glabra
Family: Caryophyllaceae

Herniaria glabra

Herniaria glabra

Herniaria glabra

Herniaria glabra

Herniaria glabra

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Wildflowers |

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