Sedum sexangulare

Tasteless Stonecrop

Sedum sexanuglare is an evergreen and creeping succulent plant. Its flower shoots can grow up to 15 centimeters high.

Sedum sexangulare


  1. Popular name(s): Tasteless Stonecrop
  2. Botanical name: Sedum sexangulare
  3. Family: Crassulaceae
  4. Origin: Europe
  5. Height: 5 to 15 centimeters
  6. USDA zone: 5 (-9.4 F/-23 °C)

Sedum sexangulare

Sedum sexangulare

Plant care
  1. Lighting: Full to part sun, tolerates hot summer sun
  2. Soil: The ground should be permeable, it may contain sand and fine gravel
  3. Watering: In the garden only needs watering if it has not rained for a very long time
  4. Feeding: No
  5. Wintering: Is hardy to -9.4 F/-23 °C

Categories: Succulents | Crassulaceae |

More species from the Crassulaceae / stonecrop family