Aloe (×Alworthia) “Black Gem”

Aloe “Black Gem”

Hybrids (crosses) of species from the genera Aloe and Haworthia, have the botanical name ×Alworthia.

×Alworthia “Black Gem” is a crossing of Aloe speciosa and Haworthia cymbiformis. It is mostly just called Aloe “Black Gem”.

Aloe Black Gem


  1. Popular name(s): Aloe “Black Gem”
  2. Botanical name: ×Alworthia “Black Gem”
  3. Family: Asphodelaceae, Asphodeloideae subfamily
  4. Origin: The parent species are native to South Africa.
  5. Height: 20 to 40 centimeters
  6. USDA zone: 12 (50 °F/10 °C)

Alworthia Black Gem

Aloe Black Gem

Categories: Asphodeloideae | Succulents |

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