Ipomoea lobata

Fire vine, Spanish flag, firecracker vine Ipomoea lobata differs from the closely related sweet potato by its much smaller and funnel-shaped flowers. In Central Europe, its flowering period can last from August to October. The perennial plant grows climbing, with shoots reaching lengths of up to six meters. Characteristics & Description Height, habit: Up to […]

Categories: Red & Pink Flowers | Vine |

More species from the Convolvulaceae family

Ipomoea tricolor

Ipomoea tricolor Common name(s): Morning Glory, Flying Saucers, Pearly Gates Family: Convolvulaceae Origin: probably the wild type is native to Mexico More infos: white and red flowering cultivars are also available

Categories: Blue & Purple Flowers | Red & Pink Flowers | Vine |

More species from the Convolvulaceae family

Convolvulus tricolor

Convolvulus tricolor Common name(s): Dwarf Morning Glory, Tricolour Convolvulus Family: Convolvulaceae Origin: the wild type is native to Europe and Northern Africa. More infos: blue, white, red and pink flowering cultivars are available.

Categories: Blue & Purple Flowers | Red & Pink Flowers | Vine | White flowers |

More species from the Convolvulaceae family

Ipomoea batatas “Blackie”

Ipomoea batatas “Blackie” Common name(s): Sweet Potato, Yam Family: Convolvulaceae Origin: cultivar, the wild type is native to Mexico. More infos: cultivars with different colors and leaf forms are available.

Categories: Indoor Plants | Vine |

More species from the Convolvulaceae family

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato Botanical name: Ipomoea batatas Other name(s): Kumara Family: Convolvulaceae

Categories: Fruit & Vegetables |

More species from the Convolvulaceae family