Ipomoea lobata

Fire vine, Spanish flag, firecracker vine

Ipomoea lobata differs from the closely related sweet potato by its much smaller and funnel-shaped flowers. In Central Europe, its flowering period can last from August to October. The perennial plant grows climbing, with shoots reaching lengths of up to six meters.

Ipomoea lobata

Characteristics & Description

Height, habit: Up to 6meters, herbaceous climbing plant
Life cycle: Perennial
Origin: Mexico and as an introduced species also in other regions (distribution map)
USDA zone: 12 (50 °F/10 °C)

Ipomoea lobata


Name: Ipomoea lobata
Family: Convolvulaceae

Ipomoea lobata

Ipomoea lobata

Ipomoea lobata

Ipomoea lobata

Categories: Red & Pink Flowers | Vine |

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