Amorpha canescens


Amorpha canescens is a semi-shrub, its shoots become woody in the lower part. It can reach a height of one meter and blooms in June and July. Botanically it is classified in the legume family (Fabaceae). Its natural range extends from Canada to the southern United States (source).

Its common names are Leadplant, Downy Indigo Bush, Prairie Shoestring and Buffalo Bellows.

Since its roots can grow several meters long, it can cope with dry soils. In the garden it is suitable for sunny locations.

Amorpha canescens

Popular name(s): Leadplant, Downy Indigo Bush, Prairie Shoestring, Buffalo Bellows
Botanical name: Amorpha canescens
Family: Fabaceae
Origin: North America (Canada, USA) (distribution map)
Height: 30 to 100 centimeters
USDA zone: 7 (10.4 °F/-12 °C)

Amorpha canescens

Amorpha canescens

Amorpha canescens

Amorpha canescens

Amorpha canescens

Categories: Blue & Purple Flowers | Garden plants | Red & Pink Flowers | Shrubs & Trees |

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