Salak, Snake Fruit

Salacca zalacca Because of its scaly skin, the Salak is also known as Snake Fruit and Snakeskin Fruit. It is the fruit of the Salak Palm (Salacca zalacca). Family: Arecaceae Origin: The Salak Palm (Salacca zalacca) is native to Indonesia. It is cultivated in the tropics. Edible: The flesh is edible and tastes sweet to […]

Categories: Berries | Fruit & Vegetables | Nuts & Seeds | Palms |

More species from the Arecaceae family

Laurustinus (berries)

Viburnum tinus Laurustinus Viburnum flowers from winter to spring and can reach a height of up to three meters. Its ripe berries are dark blue in color and poisonous. Popular names: Laurustinus, Laurustinus Viburnum, Laurestine Family: Adoxaceae Origin: Viburnum tinus is native to the mediterranean region (North Africa, West Asia, Europe) (distribution map) Height: Laurustinus […]

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More species from the Adoxaceae family

Common Lantana (berries)

Lantana camara At first glance, the berries of the common lantana (Lantana camara) look like blackberries. However, they are not edible. Family: Verbenaceae Origin: The wild type is native to Central and South America (distribution map) Height: Lantana camara is a evergreen shrub that can reach heights of up to 2 meters. Edible: No

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More species from the Verbenaceae family

Myrtle (berries)

Myrtus communis Family: Myrtaceae Origin: Mediterranean region (Asia, Europe, North Africa) Height: Myrtus communis is a shrub that can reach heights of up to 5 meters. Edible: The berries are edible

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More species from the Myrtaceae family

Barberry (Frikart’s Barberry)

Berberis ×frikartii The inedible berries of Frikart’s Barberry (Berberis ×frikartii) can be seen from summer to early winter. Family: Berberidaceae Origin: The parent species (Berberis candidula and Berberis verruculosa) are native to China. Height: 50 to 150 centimeters Edible: No

Categories: Berries |

More species from the Berberidaceae family