Pyrrosia piloselloides

Dragon Scale Fern

The fronds of Dragon Scale Fern are round, heart-shaped or elongated. It grows epiphytically and is popular for planting in terrariums.

Pyrrosia piloselloides


  1. Popular name(s): Dragon Scale Fern, Dragon Scales, Dragon’s Scale Fern
  2. Botanical name: Pyrrosia piloselloides
  3. Family: Polypodiaceae
  4. Origin: Asia (China, India, Indochina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand)
  5. Height: The creeping rhizomes can grow up to 50 centimeters long.
  6. USDA zone: 12 (50 F/10 °C)

Pyrrosia piloselloides

Pyrrosia piloselloides

Pyrrosia piloselloides

Pyrrosia piloselloides

Pyrrosia piloselloides

Pyrrosia piloselloides

Categories: Ferns | Indoor Plants | Vine |

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