Ranunculus bulbosus

Ranunculus bulbosus Common name(s): Bulbous Buttercup, St. Anthony’s Turnip Family: Ranunculaceae Origin: Europe, Asia, Northern Africa

Categories: Wildflowers | Yellow & Orange Flowers |

More species from the Ranunculaceae / buttercup, crowfoot family

Helleborus orientalis cv.

Helleborus orientalis cv. Common name(s): Green or Oriental Hellebore, Lenten Rose Family: Ranunculaceae Origin: the wild type is native to Greece and Turkey

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Garden plants | Red & Pink Flowers |

More species from the Ranunculaceae / buttercup, crowfoot family

Anemone blanda cv.

Anemone blanda cv. Common name(s): Balkan Anemone, Grecian or Winter Windflower Family: Ranunculaceae Origin: the wild type is native from Europe to Caucasus

Categories: Garden plants | White flowers |

More species from the Ranunculaceae / buttercup, crowfoot family

Eranthis cilicica

Eranthis cilicica Common name(s): Winter Aconite Family: Ranunculaceae Origin: Turkey More infos: all parts of Eranthis cilicica are poisonous. USDA zone 4.

Categories: Garden plants | Yellow & Orange Flowers |

More species from the Ranunculaceae / buttercup, crowfoot family

Helleborus argutifolius

Helleborus argutifolius Common name(s): Holly-Leaved Hellebore, Corsican Hellebore Synonyme(s): Helleborus corsicus, Helleborus lividus ssp. corsicus Family: Ranunculaceae Origin: France/Corsica, Italy/Sardinia More infos: USDA zone 7 Holly-Leaved Hellebore, Corsican Hellebore care Flowering period: March, April Colors: white to light green Height: 50 to 100 cm USDA zone: Z7 (10.4 °F/-12 °C) Position: sunny to light shaded […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Garden plants | White flowers |

More species from the Ranunculaceae / buttercup, crowfoot family