Scarlet Pimpernel, Red Pimpernel

Anagallis arvensis

Categories: Wildflowers | Yellow & Orange Flowers |

More species from the Primulaceae family

Primula juliae “Ostergruß”

Primula juliae “Ostergruß” Common name(s): Julia’s Primrose Synonyme(s): Primula × pruhoniciana, Primula × pruhoniciensis Family: Primulaceae Origin: the wild type is native to Caucasus More infos: USDA zone 5

Categories: Garden plants | Red & Pink Flowers |

More species from the Primulaceae family

Samolus valerandi

Samolus valerandi Common name(s): Brookweed, Water Cabbage, Water Rose Family: Primulaceae Origin: nearly global but not in Australia

Categories: Aquatic Plants |

More species from the Primulaceae family

Primula obconica

Primula obconica Common name(s): German or Poison Primrose Family: Primulaceae Origin: China, Thailand, Tibet More infos: Primula obconica is available flowering in orange, red, pink and white. Watch video on YouTube

Categories: Indoor Plants | Red & Pink Flowers | White flowers | Yellow & Orange Flowers |

More species from the Primulaceae family

Primula malacoides

Primula malacoides Common name(s): Fairy or Baby Primrose Family: Primulaceae Origin: China, Myanmar More infos: the Fairy Primrose is also available flowering in white or violet.

Categories: Red & Pink Flowers |

More species from the Primulaceae family