Setaria palmifolia

Palmgrass, broadleaved bristlegrass, highland pitpit, hailans pitpit Setaria palmifolia looks like a young palm tree at first glance, but it belongs to the Poaceae family. The plant known as palmgrass grows perennially and can reach a height of two meters. Characteristics & Description Height, habit: 70 to 200 centimeters, herbaceous plant Life cycle: Perennial Poisonous: […]

Categories: Grasses |

More species from the Poaceae / grass family

Setaria viridis

Green Foxtail, Green Bristlegrass, Wild Foxtail Millet, Green Foxtail Millet Setaria viridis is an annual grass of the Poaceae family. It grows along or on paths, in gardens, fields and parks. Green Foxtail can reach a height of up to 50 centimetres, depending on the location. It is native to Asia, Europe and North Africa. […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Grasses |

More species from the Poaceae / grass family

Echinochloa crus-galli

Cockspur, Barnyard Millet, Japanese Millet and others Echinochloa crus-galli is an annual and can reach a height of over one meter. Family: Poaceae Origin: Except for the polar caps, Echinochloa crus-galli is found on all continents (distribution map). More infos: Cockspur is a common field weed and produces many seeds.

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Grasses |

More species from the Poaceae / grass family

Triticum aestivum cv.

Common wheat Common wheat is one of our most important crops, it is grown almost worldwide. There is a wide range of varieties. The flour obtained from its seeds is used for baking bread. The green leaves, wheatgrass, are a popular ingredient in smoothies. Young, two- to three-day-old wheat sprouts can be eaten raw, and […]

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | Grasses | Nuts & Seeds |

More species from the Poaceae / grass family

Arundo donax “Variegata”

Giant Cane, Giant Reed Arundo donax “Variegata” differs from the wild type (Arundo donax) by its white striped leaves. In habitats with good nutrient supply, it can reach up to 3 meters in height. This member of the Poaceae family spreads by runners. Popular name(s): Giant Cane, Giant Reed, Spanish Reed, Spanish Cane and others […]

Categories: Blue & Purple Flowers |

More species from the Poaceae / grass family