Indian Lettuce, Miner’s Lettuce

Indian Lettuce, Miner’s Lettuce, Spring Beauty, Winter Purslane, Cuban Spinach

Categories: Fruit & Vegetables | Wildflowers |

More species from the Montiaceae family

Claytonia sibirica

Siberian Miner’s Lettuce, Candy Flower, Siberian Spring Beauty, Pink Purslane

Categories: Garden plants | Herbs | Red & Pink Flowers |

More species from the Montiaceae family

Claytonia perfoliata

Claytonia perfoliata Common name(s): Indian or Miner’s Lettuce, Spring Beauty, Winter Purslane, Cuban Spinach Synonyme(s): Montia perfoliata Family: Montiaceae Origin: North America

Categories: Brown & Green Flowers | White flowers |

More species from the Montiaceae family

Lewisia pygmaea

Lewisia pygmaea Common name(s): Alpine Lewisia, Pygmy Bitterroot Family: Montiaceae Origin: Canada, USA More infos: USDA zone 5.

Categories: Succulents | Red & Pink Flowers |

More species from the Montiaceae family

Lewisia cotyledon cv.

Lewisia cotyledon cv. Common name(s): Cliff Maids, Siskiyou Lewisia Family: Montiaceae Origin: the wild type is native to Oregon, California More infos: Cliff Maids are avalaible in a lot of colors with single or double flowers. Watch video on YouTube

Categories: Succulents | Red & Pink Flowers | Yellow & Orange Flowers |

More species from the Montiaceae family