Campanula punctata

Campanula punctata Common name(s): Spotted Bellflower Family: Campanulaceae Origin: China, Japan, Eastern Siberia More infos: white, light blue and red flowering cultivars are available

Categories: Garden plants | Red & Pink Flowers |

More species from the Campanulaceae family

Phyteuma scheuchzeri

Phyteuma scheuchzeri Common name(s): Rampion Family: Campanulaceae Origin: Alps (Europe)

Categories: Blue & Purple Flowers | Garden plants |

More species from the Campanulaceae family

Isotoma fluviatilis

Isotoma fluviatilis Common name(s): Swamp Isotome Synonyme(s): Laurentia fluviatilis Family: Campanulaceae Origin: Australia, Zew Zealand More infos: is also available with white flowers

Categories: Blue & Purple Flowers | Garden plants |

More species from the Campanulaceae family

Campanula rapunculus

Campanula rapunculus Common name(s): Rampion or Rover Bellflower Family: Campanulaceae Origin: Europe, Asia

Categories: Blue & Purple Flowers | Garden plants |

More species from the Campanulaceae family