Mammillaria spinosissima “Un Pico”

Spiny Pincushion Cactus

Mammillaria spinosissima “Un Pico” is a cultivar of Mammillaria spinosissima. The difference to the wild type is not only the much longer spines but also the fact that only one spine is growing from each areole.

Grows globular as a young cactus and columnar with age.

Mammillaria spinosissima Un Pico


  1. Popular name(s): Spiny Pincushion Cactus
  2. Botanical name: Mammillaria spinosissima “Un Pico”
  3. Family: Cactaceae
  4. Origin: The wild type is native to the Mexican provinces of Guerrero and Morelos (source).
  5. Height: Up to 30 centimeters in height and up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
  6. USDA zone: 11 (41 °F/5 °C)

Mammillaria spinosissima Un Pico

Mammillaria spinosissima Un Pico

Mammillaria spinosissima Un Pico

Plant care
  1. Lighting: Full to part sun, hot summer sun is welcome
  2. Soil: Crushed lava gravel, pumice gravel
  3. Watering: Allow to dry between the waterings, avoid waterlogging, water sparingly in winter
  4. Feeding: Liquid fertilizer every 4 to 8 weeks from spring to late summer
  5. Wintering: Cold at -15 °F to 50 °F (5 °C to 10 °C)

Categories: Cacti | Succulents |

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