Lithops olivacea

Living Stone

Lithops olivacea shows its yellow flowers in late summer and can reach 3 centimeters in height.

Lithops olivacea


  1. Popular name(s): Living Stone, Olive-green Living Stone
  2. Botanical name: Lithops olivacea
  3. Family: Aizoaceae
  4. Origin: South Africa (Northern Cape)
  5. Height: Up to 3 centimeters
  6. USDA zone: 12 (50 F/10 °C)

Lithops olivacea

Lithops olivacea

Plant care
  1. Lighting: Full to part sun, tolerates hot summer sun
  2. Soil: Crushed lava gravel, pumice gravel
  3. Watering: Allow to dry between the waterings, avoid waterlogging, water sparingly in winter
  4. Feeding: Liquid fertilizer in spring
  5. Wintering: Temperate to cold at -15 °F to 59 °F (5 °C to 15 °C)

Categories: Aizoaceae | Succulents |

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