Peperomia caperata care

Cultivars of Peperomia caperata are available with green, red, green-yellow and green-red-yellow leaves. Very popular is Peperomia caperata “Rosso”, which differs from the other varieties by its pointed leaves.

Peperomia caperata Rosso
Peperomia caperata “Rosso”

Plant care

Position: partly sunny to semi-shady, morning sun, evening sun, winter sun
Soil: indoor plant soil, cactus soil, herb soil, pure or mixed with clay granules
Watering: allow to dry, no waterlogging, no dryness of the bale
Fertilising: from spring to autumn with liquid fertiliser, fertiliser sticks, granules, pellets
Temperature: room temperature all year round, not below 15 °C for long periods in winter
Propagation: leaf cuttings


The Position can be partially sunny to semi-shady, with morning, evening and winter sun. The hot summer sun is tolerated if the pot is not placed directly behind a window.


Potting mixes for indoor plants, herbs, vegetables or succulents are suitable as substrates. These substrates can be used pure or loosened up with clay granules. The roots of the tropical Peperomia species are sensitive to stagnant moisture.

Peperomia caperata cv
A unnamed Peperocoma caperata cultivar


The soil may dry out well between watering, but should not dry out. This ornamental pepper is only weakly succulent; if the soil dries out regularly, it becomes weakened and susceptible to infestation by pests.

Even if there is water in the coaster for days, this is not ideal.

Peperomia caperata roots
Let the soil moderately dry between the waterings to max. 80 % of the pots height.


The nutritional requirements of ornamental pepper are not very high, it is sufficient to start fertilising one year after purchase or repotting.

During the growing season, from spring to autumn, Peperomia caperata can receive liquid fertiliser every 4th to 8th week.

Long-term fertilizers such as sticks, granules or pellets can be given once each in spring and summer.

Peperomia caperata cv.


Peperomia caperata likes it warm all year round and should not be placed below 15°C for long periods in winter.


Propagation can be done by leaf cuttings which take root at temperatures around 25 °C after 4 to 8 weeks. Another 6 weeks may pass before the first leaves appear.

A high humidity is advantageous for the cultivation. It protects the cuttings from drying out.

Large glasses are suitable for growing, which are aired daily to prevent mould growth.

A freezer bag that is put over the pot is also suitable.

Peperomia caperata cv.