Hamamelis × intermedia

Hamamelis × intermedia Common name(s): Hybrid Witch Hazel Family: Hamamelidaceae Origin: N/A More infos: bei Hamamelis × intermedia is a crossing between H. japonica (Japan) and H. mollis (China). Red and orange flowering cultivars are also available. USDA zone 6.

Categories: Shrubs & Trees | Yellow & Orange Flowers |

More species from the Hamamelidaceae family

Loropetalum chinense

Loropetalum chinense Common name(s): Chinese Fringe Flower Family: Hamamelidaceae Origin: China, Japan, India More infos: evergreen but not hardy shrub. Is also available with green leaves and white flowers. The images show Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum – maybe.

Categories: Indoor Plants | Red & Pink Flowers | Shrubs & Trees |

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