Asplenium nidus “Crissie”

Bird’s-Nest Fern
Nest Fern

Categories: Ferns | Indoor Plants |

More species from the Aspleniaceae family

Asplenium ceterach

Asplenium ceterach Common name(s): Rustyback Family: Aspleniaceae Origin: Africa, Asia, Europe Asplenium ceterach & Asplenium trichomanes (Maidenhair Spleenwort) Asplenium ceterach & Massylaea vermiculata (Chocolate-Band Snail)

Categories: Ferns |

More species from the Aspleniaceae family

Asplenium antiquum

Asplenium antiquum Common name(s): Japanese Bird’s-Nest Fern, Nest Fern Family: Aspleniaceae Origin: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan

Categories: Ferns | Indoor Plants |

More species from the Aspleniaceae family

Asplenium trichomanes

Asplenium trichomanes Common name(s): Maidenhair Spleenwort Family: Aspleniaceae Origin: nearly global More infos: USDA zone 3

Categories: Ferns |

More species from the Aspleniaceae family

Asplenium nidus

Asplenium nidus Common name(s): Bird’s-Nest Fern, Nest Fern Family: Aspleniaceae Origin: tropical Africa, Australia and Polynesia. More infos: the Bird’s-Nest Fern can be grown in a regular potting mix on bright so light shaded places with some morning or evening sun. Minimum temperature 12 °C.

Categories: Ferns | Indoor Plants |

More species from the Aspleniaceae family