Melon (Canary)

Cucumis melo var. inodorus The Canary Melon is also called Winter Melon but is offered throughout the year. It does not originate from the Canary Islands but is grown in Asia, Central America and South America. Botanical name: Cucumis melo var. inodorus Popular name(s): Canary Melon, Winter Melon Family: Cucurbitaceae Origin: The Canary Melon is […]

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Melon (Galia)

Cucumis melo var. reticulatus The Galia Melon can grow up to two kilograms. When ripe, it becomes soft. Botanical name: Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Popular name(s): Galia Melon Family: Cucurbitaceae Origin: Galia melons are grown in Asia, Europe, North Africa, North America and South America. They were developed in Israel (source). Size & weight: 15 […]

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Melon (Dino, Gaya, Snowball)

Cucumis melo var. inodorus At first glance, the Dino Melon looks like a dinosaur egg. It tastes like a Canary Melon. Botanical name: Cucumis melo var. inodorus Popular name(s): Dino Melon, Dinosaur Egg Melon, Gaya Melon, Snowball Melon Family: Cucurbitaceae Origin: The Dino Melon was bred in Japan (source). Size & weight: 20 to 40 […]

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Squash (Ornamental)

Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera The ornamental squashes are varieties of the garden squash (Cucurbita pepo). They are mostly not edible because they contain cucurbitacins, which can cause severe poisoning. Cucurbitacins are not destroyed by cooking. They can be identified by taste. If a squash tastes very bitter, it is better not to eat it. Description […]

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Squash (Butternut)

Cucurbita moschata The butternut squash is a cultivar of the musk squash (Cucurbita moschata). Its skin is hard but edible. The fruit flesh tastes slightly nutty. The seeds taste of nothing before roasting and then also slightly nutty. However, their shells are harder than those of green pumpkin seeds. Description Popular name(s): Butternut squash, Butternut […]

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