Lygus pratensis

Lygus pratensis does not seem to have an English name. In German-speaking countries, the species is known as the common meadow bug (“Gemeine Wiesenwanze”).

common meadow bug

Males grow up to 7.3 millimetres long and females up to 6.7 millimetres. Lygus pratensis is variable in colouration with males being more reddish-brown and females more greenish-brown.

Bug on blackberry leaf
Bug on blackberry leaf

This bug can be found in meadows, gardens, parks, on embankments and slopes, in weedy areas and forests. It sucks on the stems and leaves of wild herbs and small shrubs, but is also said to drink nectar.

Lygus pratensis

Life expectancy is up to two years. Lygus pratensis can produce two generations per year in warm regions. The adult bugs overwinter.

Bug on white campion
Bug on white campion (Silene latifolia)

Categories: Beetles, Bugs & Cockroaches | Insects